healing remedies to care for body, mind & Spirit

Folk & Fire is a small batch apothecary offering wildcrafted herbal remedies & education

Guided by the rhythms of the seasons and the wisdom of our ancestors, we nurture the deep connection between humans and nature by crafting herbal remedies that nourish the whole self ~ body, mind & spirit. From herbal tinctures to botanical skin care to sleep salves, let each part of your day be rooted in kinship with Mother Earth.

Our mission is to connect you deeply with nature, and that means stepping into the woods to learn directly from the plants themselves. We believe in the joy and power of knowing the local plants around you, understanding how to use them in your daily life, and forging a profound connection with the heartbeat of the earth. to do that, we offer local free plant walks, workshops, apprenticeships and classes
on Bainbridge Island & around the Puget Sound.

Shop our
most loved
Herbal Remedies

rooted in kinship with the wild


ritually crafted herbal remedies


rooted in kinship with the wild | ritually crafted herbal remedies |

Welcome! I'm Sia Riversong Ray, the herbalist behind Folk & Fire. I'm all about connecting with the spirits of the land and crafting remedies that echo the heartbeat of Mother Earth herself and connect us back to the ancestral practices that sustained generations.

Every herbal remedy, herbalism class or apprenticeship we offer is a labor of love, nurtured in the beautiful forests of Bainbridge Island. It's not just medicine; it's a soul-stirring journey towards wholeness and renewal.

As for me, I’m a lover of deserts, the ocean, a good lavender latte and dusk. I grew up in rural southern Colorado & montana, learning all sorts of ways to live with the land. My hope is to pass that connection to you - so that even folks living in the busiest cites have a healing piece of the earth with them.

the he{art} of

our herbalism

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What People Are Saying

I use many of the wonderful products Folk & Fire offer - they are great! Such a positive impact on my health & there is no comparison to over the counter treatments - so superior!! The magnesium spray is so effective for my neck & hip pain. The Hammer blend is just superb - great pain relief for my fibromyalgia! The Sleep Draught is so effective in helping me relax and have a restful night's sleep. I have never been disappointed in any Folk & Fire product I have tried.

— Cynthia s.

Sia of Folk & Fire is an outstanding herbalist & educator. I first had the privilege of using their products after purchasing at a market in Tacoma. Now salves/tinctures are available online which is great for us who don’t have the opportunity to purchase in person. Folk & Fire take great care in packaging and mailing products so they make it to the doorstep safely too which is appreciated and so important to me.

Folk & Fire is great for gifts too, because everything is beautifully packaged, and the descriptions on the website mean it’s the gift that just keeps giving. So much info!! I think that’s especially important when I gift medicine to my friends with kids, or who are just generally unfamiliar with herbalism. I can just send them to the site to read up, no mindless googling required!

Great products, great people…..& great packaging 😉I know it’s what on the inside that really counts but pretty labels and products help me enjoy the entire experience even more, especially when gifting

— Sarah J.

I suffered nerve pain in my leg. Sia hooked me up with her herb spray and I haven't had that pain since. I didn't think anything would work. I am a believer now.

— Susan s.


Your blood is mostly water.
That water was once too deep beneath the sea for sunlight to reach.
Yet it knew wonders down in the crushing black.
Living constellations of bioluminescence.
It knows wonders still, thundering with the dark drumbeat of your heart.
You are nature.

— the CryptoNaturalist ~ Jarod K. Anderson