

a year of weaving together herbalism, ancestral practices and connection to Nature.


Discover, craft, and deepen your relationship with Earth’s medicine & magic with our year-long apprenticeship. we'll guide you through the art of creating folk herbalism, like making tinctures, foraging wild plants, and infusing oils – all while celebrating the seasonal changes and listening to the rhythms of the earth.

Following the natural cycle of birth, life, death, and rebirth, we'll embark on a journey of wortcunning – getting to know plants not only for their healing properties but also for the deeper connective roots of folk magic and lore. Together, we'll explore Kitsap county, foraging wild edible and medicinal plants to craft a beautiful home apothecary stocked with tinctures, salves, herbal honeys, teas, and more. 🌼

As the wheel of the seasons turns, we'll gather for celebrations to honor the cycle of life and the ceremonies of our ancestors 🌞 This apprenticeship is more than just a class – it's a living reclamation of the crafts passed down through generations; a lifeline to our ancestral roots, and a pathway to profound well-being. 🌿🕯️

In a world seeking balance, herbalism becomes a guiding beacon back to the heart of Nature. 🌍 Join us on this beautiful journey where folk magic and herbalism entwine, where the ordinary meets the mystical, and where each step becomes a dance with the unseen.

Unearth the magic within, for in this apprenticeship, you're not just a student – you're a weaver of healing, a guardian of nature's secrets, and a bearer of the torch that lights the path for generations to come.

The Hedgefolk Way

As a community we’ll gather together 14 times over the course of the full year starting in March of 2024 and ending in February of 2025. Gatherings will occur both indoors and outdoors, and we’ll be meeting in different parks in Kitsap County WA to forage with one adventure out into the mountains. We will plan to meet many plants such as nettles, hawthorn, rose, oregon grape, burdock, dandelion and cleavers.

In the liminal spaces between our gatherings there will be practices to continue guiding you deeper into craft and connection. This may include shadow work, journaling, hearth rituals, medicine-making guides, a reading list or even a local guide of places to experience the land in different seasons. These will all be deeply aligned with the turning of the Wheel, Lunar cycles and the local cycles.

Those who apply to the Hedgefolk apprenticeship and are accepted, will be part of a very small community that is journeying together for a year - one who is willing to check in with each other and who is capable of holding empathetic space for what emotions might be experienced throughout our work together.


- Sunday March 17: Opening Celebration & Orientation

- Sunday April 14th: Waxing Crescent Moon

- Beltane Celebration: Sunday May 5th
- Saturday May the 11th (Waxing Crescent Moon)

- Midsummer Celebration: saturday June 22nd

-Sunday July 21st (Full Moon)

- Lughnasadh Celebration: Sunday August 4th

- Sunday September 1st (Waning Crescent)
- Autumn Equinox: Sunday September 22nd

- Samhain: we’ll meet together on Sunday October 27th, however depending on the group we may have an extra meetup on October 31st

- Saturday November 30th (this is the 2nd new moon of November!)

- Winter Solstice: Saturday December 21st

- Sunday January 5th (Waxing Crescent)

- Imbolc Celebration: Saturday February 1st


Generally we’ll be gathering together from 10am to 3pm ish, though there will be some celebrations like Midsummer and Samhain that we’ll gather from 4pm-8pm.

You’ll always be notified well in advance if I think the day will go beyond.

questions? email me at sia@folkandfireshop.com

Let’s do thiS

Payment Plan
Every 9 months

Pay in Full
One time

✓ 2 custom, 2oz tincture formulas



  • Generally we’ll be gathering together from 10 to 3ish, though there will be some celebrations like Midsummer and Samhain that we’ll gather from 4pm-8pm. You’ll always be notified well in advance if I think the day will last quite a bit longer.

  • The commitment to this program is 13 in person gathers spread out over the course of a year. In addition to the in person gatherings, you can expect to invest an extra hour or two a week into yourself and your craft. This is a two year commitment, no exceptions. The group is intentionally kept very small in honor of holding both an individual and collective approach. Our work together is deep and immersive, with the curriculum tailored specifically for the apprentices in each group and the collective energy of the group.

  • Folk & Fire is a very small business and we rely on tuition payments in order to teach our program. We can't buy materials or pay our bills without it! We cannot issue refunds for tuition payments unless you suffer a serious personal or family emergency that renders you incapable of attending.

  • There will be a small list of tools emailed out after your acceptance to the program, such as a blank dedicated journal, a few candles, and a few dried herbs. Many of the materials will be provided, such as PDF printable workbooks, guides and some medicine making supplies. We will likely not be gathering medicine in large batches, so any supplies you need beyond what is provided (which will be emailed a month prior to each class), will need to be purchased by you. As this course is open to 18+, I cannot offer alcohol for tincturing as a part of the course.

    Things like optional reading materials will not be included.

    This course is crafted with the intention of being mindful of the finances of those attending.

  • At this time, the scholarship position is filled.

  • Nope!

    This apprenticeship pulls from bioregional folk herbalism, Druidry, Scottish, Welsh, Cornish, Indigenous & Norse spiritual paths.

  • For the most part, we’ll be sticking to areas within Kitsap County though we will likely have one day out on Rainer or in Naches Valley. Students will be emailed out in advance where the next meet up will be. Part of determining where we will be, is me keeping an eye on what plants are most readily available depending on how everything’s progressing seasonally.

  • Absolutely! Please email me at sia@folkandfireshop.com

  • There will be 3-4 apprentices and myself, Sia, as the main guide. We may also have guest mentors along the way to teach some of the earth based skills.

  • Our time will be spent experiencing Sabbats ceremoniously as a group, or out foraging. For the foraging dates, I don’t have specific plants we’ll be looking for, as so much of that depends on the weather in the weeks leading up to our adventure!

    You’ll receive emails the week prior of our plan, where we’ll be going, what we’ll be looking for and anything else you need to know.

  • This program is for those who are called to deepen their relationship with Earth, Sky and Sea through magic and community. It’s for those who want to hear the voices of the plants and desire to understand their wisdom while crafting a life that honors the seasonal cycles.

Do you have questions or concerns? Send me an email at sia@folkandfireshop.com!